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"Rollin' For A Reason" With Thompson Square

The married musical duo, Thompson Square, held their annual event “Rollin’ For A Reason” on July 31. The motorcycle ride benefitted the USO of Nashville as well as a specific service member and their family. However, before the engines rumbled and the bikes were paraded around town, we were able to discuss the fundraiser with Keifer Thompson of Thompson Square.

Keifer became good friends with Sloan’s Motorcycle & ATV located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and had been wanting to organize a ride for a while. The pieces fell into place last year when they coordinated the first “Rollin’ For A Reason.” With only a couple weeks to promote, they had an impressive turn out of approximately 160-170 bikes. This year their goal was to blow up the event to around 250-500 bikes. To their pleasant surprise, so many people signed up that they had to change the routes to be more accommodating.

“The military is something that is very close to us. Any time we can help them we are going to do it,” said Keifer Thompson. Both Keifer and Shawna’s parents were in the military, one even served in Vietnam, and it appears that they aren’t the only ones passionate about this cause. A large percent of the participating cyclists also bravely served our country.

This isn’t the first time Thompson Square has used their platform to help our service men and women. Last year they travelled the world playing for sailors. Keifer stated, “I’ve never felt more patriotic than standing on foreign land surrounded by our Armed Forces.”

Keifer Thompson also discussed his outrage on how the military is treated. When Shawna’s father, a veteran, had cancer they had a lot of trouble getting the proper care he needed. “We saw a disgusting display of disregard for our military… Until it effects you personally, you don’t get it. You just don’t get it. When it’s your dad fighting for his last breath and when it’s your brother who got his leg shot off, or it’s your sister who dies in combat, it’s a different deal and all of a sudden you want to get involved.”

Having personally dealt with an issue that many military families face, the duo is doing their best to bring awareness to this cause. “The USO does great work and hopefully we will have a big turnout and a big positive message. We’re just trying to spread the love right now. Hopefully this will make a difference.”

Well Bright Star International certainly believes Thompson Square is making a difference. America is home of the free because of the brave. Our flag waves proudly because of the sacrifices our military makes and because of the people they have supporting them. It’s inspiring to see Thompson Square’s consistent support and love for our military. Thank you Thompson Square and thank you to the USO Nashville for all you do for our protectors of freedom!

Listen to the full interivew HERE!

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