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Doug Briney

Creates awareness, raises money, and educates the public about Military Organizations.

A Note from Doug:

            There are so many great organizations out there.  Personally, I would enjoy nothing more then to help almost any organization to fight cancer, end hunger, help those who are hurting and those with disabilities. I do what I can, but there is only so much I can do and really feel like I am making a difference.  Because of my limitations as a human and my limited financial resources, I felt like I needed to narrow down who I would really work to support.  For me, it is our military.

            If you’ve been to one of my shows, you know I come from a long line of military, and I have a deep and personal connection to them.  Go all the way back to the Revolutionary War: I have a great, great, great, great (honestly, I’m not sure how many greats there are) grandfather who fought to help win our freedom from the British.  There is even a statue in his honor in the Boston area.  WWII two of my 

uncles on my dad’s side served, one in the European Theater with the army and one in the BurmaChina, India Theater as the Calvary.  My dad served in the Korean War as a mechanic.  He enjoyed his time, as although it was during the war, he ended up stationed in Bermuda.

            On my mother’s side, my grandfather served in WWII as well.  He was stationed in a little place called Attu Island in the Alutien Chain.  Attu is the only U.S. soil to have ever been taken and held by enemy forces.  The Japanese held it for two years.  My grandfather served as a supply clerk there.

Currently, I have a cousin who is retired USAF yet still works with them as a civil servant, a nephew in the USMC and my oldest son whom I am very proud of serves in the USAF.

            Besides family, I have several good friends who have served or are serving right now.  One good friend was wounded in Iraq and I just recently got to spend some time with him and learn more of the time he spent there.

            So for me, the military is who I choose to support.  They have done so much for us, and I only wish I could do more for them.  I am excited to be partnering with Bright Star International to help bring more support to these heroes.

Thanks folks,


             To learn more about Doug Briney and his charitable interests, visit For interviews, bookings, or additional information, contact Bright Star International.


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