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Music Row Storytellers Event Benefitting Music Health Alliance

The first Music Row Storytellers event on August 15, 2016 was an evening dedicated to the music industry veteran, Hazel Smith. The celebration benefited Music Health Alliance and was sponsored by CMT. Journalists, interviewers, reporters and many others who report the narratives of Music Row were honored throughout the special night.

In the spotlight was Hazel Smith who has been present in country music for decades. Smith moved to Nashville in the late ‘60s and throughout her life wore the hats of a songwriter, publicist, manager and journalist. She coined the phrase “Outlaw Music” in the 1970’s and is known for her ability to capture a moment. Smith became a writer for Country Music magazine, correspondent for Country Weekly, radio reporter, columnist for as well as a TV show host.

It’s an incredible honor for Hazel Smith to be recognized for all she has contributed to the music industry. She has transformed the world so many musicians, journalists and songwriters admire. The music industry wouldn’t be the same with out her. Thanks for all you’ve done to serve Music Row, Hazel!

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