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Jake Owen Honored with St. Jude Angels Among Us Award at 2019 Country Cares Event

Photo Courtesy of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

On January 26th at the 30th annual Country Cares Event in Memphis, Tennessee, one of country music's favorite male vocalists was presented the St. Jude Angels Among Us Award. After 13 years of generously giving to St. Jude, Owen was publicly recognized in front of 1,000 members of the country music community.

Before accepting the award Owen humbly stated, "I've always believed that country music is songs for the family, songs for the people. Common folk. And I believe that it just goes hand in hand with the mission for St. Jude, as far as lending a helping hand. I think you hear those types of sentiments in a lot of country songs. I think they're just relatable." He went on to state, "I feel like that's our duty as a country music entertainer. It's not just singing songs for people and entertaining. It's what we do with the platform that we've so luckily been given. . .How do you help people? How do you give back? I know that by being an example and being a lear in that, hopefully others will follow. that's what I was taught by guys like Randy and so many others that have come before me."

Since the birth of Country Cares, founded in 1989 by Randy Owens, more than $800 million has been raised thanks to country radio stations, artists and industry members, and various radiothons and events.

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