Maroon 5 Donates $500,000 to Charity Ahead of Super Bowl
Aside from being the talk of the Super Bowl LIII Pepsi Halftime Show, Adam Levine's generous donation of $500,000 to the Big Brothers and Sisters of America has generated lots of publicity and touched the hearts of many.
On Tuesday, January 29th, the NFL and Interscope Records along with Super Bowl halftime performers Maroon 5, announced that Adam Levine decided to contribute $500,000 to a special cause which he stated, "will have a major impact for children across the country." In a later interview Levine went on to say, "playing the Super Bowl has been a dream of our band for a long time. We thank the NFL for the opportunity and also to them, along with Interscope Records, for making this donation." Since 1904, Big Brothers and Sisters has been known as the nation's largest donor and volunteer-supported mentoring network which pairs adult volunteers and children, ages 5 through young adulthood within communities across the country.
American rapper and singer Travis Scott, another Super Bowl LIII Halftime performer, also donated the large sum of $500,000 to Dream Corps, a U.S. non-profit group that focuses mainly on social justice issues. In an interview, Scott stated, "I know, being an artist, that it's in my power to inspire to partner with the NFL on this important donation. I am proud to support Dream Corps and the work they do that will hopefully inspire and promote change."